Abay Analysts participates actively in different conferences collaborating with presentations.

Abay Analysts in CONAMA 2016

On November 30, we were in CONAMA presenting, together with the Greenpeace team, the communication "The closing of the nuclear and the end of coal: a way to comply with the Paris Agreement [...]

2016-12-19T20:55:50+00:0019 December 2016|Conferences|

European Forum on Social and Solidarity Economy

European Forum on Social and Solidarity Economy (Parlamento Europeo, Bruselas), presentación de investigación "Impacto socioeconómico de las entidades de economía social en España" dentro del Workshop 9: Mapping and measuring the Social and Solidarity Economy [...]

2016-11-21T19:52:02+00:0028 January 2016|Conferences|

Ponencia en el 5º Congreso CIRIEC

5º Congreso Mundial de Investigadores en Economía Social del CIRIEC en Lisboa (15-18/07/2015). Comunicación: "Is social economy a better enviroment to integrate workers with disabilities in the labor market?" en el Workshop Social Economy old [...]

2016-11-21T19:52:03+00:0015 July 2015|Conferences|